Monday, July 13, 2009

It's hard to believe...

that in 10 days or less we will get to see our baby girl at last! At today's doctor's appt I was now 3 cm dilated and still 50% effaced. Because my doctor is worried about her being a bigger baby, she scheduled an induction for July 23rd at 6am... I AM SOOO OVERWHELMED!!!

Mommy and Bailee are flying in on Monday afternoon... so hopefully Avery will stay in the oven a little longer! I need my mommy here before she comes! ha ha!

I have so many craft projects going on at once because I want to make sure I can get them all done before Avery or my mom and sister comes! On top of that I need to clean both bathrooms, kitchen, our bedroom, and dust everything too! OMGoodness! So much to do! Anyone wanna come clean the bathrooms and kitchen? PLEASE ha ha! :) Pray that I can get it all done and that I don't pop her out in the process!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Long week!

Well Monday when I went to the doctor I was 1cm and 50% effaced! Kinda insane! She didn't tell me not to go to camp but she didn't advise me to go either... so you guessed it, I WENT! ha ha! My feet were swollen 110% of the time! lol yay!... gross! I've never had ogre feet before and let me tell you, it was no fun!!! The picture above of my feet, was about 50% of how bad they had gotten by last night but I would like to inform everyone, I now have ankles again! :) YAY!

We had an incredible week at camp, I do not regret going AT ALL! Monday night with our girl's devotionals started out strong... usually the girls don't open up until the 2nd or 3rd night so it was awesome to see them already thinking about what they wanted to get out of camp.

Several of our kids surrendered their lives to Christ... so basically whatever he wants for them they are now willing to let him use them! :) I think that's HUGE! We had one of our girl's gain reassurance of her salvation and I know that was a big big big decision for her, because it was really scary for her! There were many other decisions and self realizations that were made this week that just topped everything off! :)

I seriously love our kids so much... not only are they funny and laid back... but they helped me all week long. I didn't even have to ask and they would offer to get things for me like one of a million cups of ice, or food in the cafeteria, and so much more. It made me feel loved for sure! :) There were a few teams that were VERY VERY competitive and that pretty much turned our kids off immediately but they still did every game with stride, ease and a good attitude for the most part! :) I love that they don't care about the small things like that, they just love to have fun with each other... and yet they each are still so very different. VERY REFRESHING! Their different personalities compliment our youth group perfectly so that we are made up of so many different people but have that one common bond in Christ... love it! :)

Thank you guys for an amazing week and parents for letting your kids go! We love you so much!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


... It's that time of year again... yep that's right! Tomorrow around 1pm we will be leaving with 35 of our kids to head to Fruitland Park, Florida for The REFUGE! WOOT WOOT!

At 8:15am I have an appt. where they will check for the first time to see if I've progressed any, as far as labor goes. I will also find out if and when I have to be induced. Last Monday she weighed 6lbs and 14oz... and I was also measuring further along... SOOO their plan is for me not to have to have a csection... and if that means inducing I'm fine with that because I'd like a semi natural process lol YES I AM STILL GETTING AN EPIDURAL! ha ha! Anyhow, I will update on facebook tomorrow to let everyone know what the verdict is! :)

Regardless of my progression lol my plan is still to attend camp this week... I guess we'll see what the doctor says but I'm pretty dead set. I've expressed my feelings to a few people but my main thing is, camp is the one time every year when we can get these kids out of the norm and get them to think about life and open up. If I miss out on these connections, I will feel disconnected all year long. Obviously if it comes down to Avery's health I will stay but I won't be happy about it at all. :( I will have a golf cart all week and will be in a downstairs cabin!

Please pray that everything works out well and that kids lives are changed and that the few we are taking that are unsure of their salvation make it right! I'm so excited to spend some time with my girls!