Sunday, February 28, 2010


1. For the Lord's constant provision and mercy on my life. Everytime I need Him, He's there... can't get over how unconditional that love is.

2. For an amazing husband who understands and never gives up on me even when I'm a nutcase! :)

3. For an amazing little girl to call my own. Everyday is a new day and she's growing and changing so fast. Most days when I want to stall on my housework we just sit in the recliner and stare at eachother while she tries to rip my glasses off and laugh at me when I act surprised! I love each and every new stage... currently we're beginning our crawling phase! This weekend she's mastered getting up on her knees and lunging forward then up again and lunging forward all over again! :) It's so precious!

4. For incredible friends... from childhood, college, and yes even Florida! :) For a long time I refused to be settled in Florida and finally God's bringing me the peace I've needed to move on and be thankful for what He's blessed us with! :) I've made amazing longlasting friendships here that I never thought I would and I am truly grateful for each and every one of you!

5. For and AMAZING family! Each and every person in our family, unique in their own way. It wouldn't be the same with out them! :)

That's all for tonight! See you soon! Texas is in 12 dayssss!!! WOOT!

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