Wednesday, December 16, 2009

fun times!!!

My dear friend Carrie came to visit me this past weekend and it was such a breath of SWEET FRESH AIR! :) I love her so much... the pictures up top are from back in the day and then the next ones are of us before she got on the plane to leave me!

Carrie and I first met while we were both still in college and also counselors in the youth group at our church, Seminole Baptist Temple! We had a blast with those girls and I find myself sometimes missing the simpler ministry that we had then... lol probably because we didn't have to take care of many big problems... our job was to hang out with the girls and develop relationships with them and that was one thing we were good at! :)

Ministry can be difficult now... the higher standard set for being a youth pastor's wife is something I find very hard to live up to. I am human too which means I too make mistakes and am very FAR from perfect. One thing I know, I wouldn't trade it for the world.... I love our kids, especially our girls... some are hard to reach but I appreciate the fact that they are unique in their own way and love that not all of them are the same!

Anyways, although I am EXTREMELY blessed by the female counselor that we have with us now, I do miss having Carrie by my side! We're pretty good sidekicks if I do say so myself, we level each other out perfectly... and I don't feel like I have to be something I'm not when she's around! :) I absolutely love the feeling when you have a friend that you can be completely real with and know that they aren't going to judge you. A friend that can sometimes be closer than family...

It's actually the subject of our last girl's bible study... do you have a friend that is closer than family? It is very important to have that confidant that you can rely on when you need advice... someone who can tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear! :) I am truly blessed to have several friends that I can say are totally genuine and love me for me... and just GET me no matter what! :) Love you ladies! You all know exactly who you are! Carrie is one of them! ha ha another random post from Amie... ahh well... it's nice to just journal on here, I do enjoy it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl time is the best! thanks for the comment on my blog about my grandma's quilt. I love love love that she put that little square on the back. It's soo cute and I'll always remember her by this.
